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Theatrical & Special Effects
Makeup for television, theatre, fancy dress and even legal cases need a technique very different to usual make-up. I have experience in creating visual effects that meet the needs of all the above. Take a look at the gallery and if you need further onformation please don't hesitate to gt in touch.
spacial effects BBC Lumba | TV & Film make up |
Injury | Jack the Ripper Victim |
Bruise Make-up | Gash |
Army Girls | Corpse Bride Make Up |
Geletine Eye make up | Game of Thrones tribute |
face ulcer make up | Fairy Photoshoot in Warley woods 4 |
Fairy Photoshoot in Warley woods 3 | Fairy photo shoot in Warley Woods |
Ripper Victim Halloween Make uo | Grey Lady Fx Make up |
Adora Bratbat make up | Halloween make up |
Bald Cap | Theatre Production'The Road' |
Wound Effect | Theme Make-up |
Special effect injury make-up | Spcial effect make up |
Mens Make-up | make up artist |
Mac Body Art | hallowen burns victim |
halloween make up | John 5 male make-up |
Clown Make-up | Beetlejuice make up |
adam ant make up |
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